Flatiron Hot! Compilation: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings in Newtown, Connecticut

For those who missed our editorial coverage of the horrific shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, here’s a compilation of our coverage. We did our best to spark discussion on elements of the event not widely covered in the media. Hence, the focus on prayer in relation to the shooting rather than gun control and gun rights, which has been all over the news.

Although we are the first to admit a left-wing bias in our editorials (reflective of the political views of many Flatiron and Gramercy residents), we hope you find our coverage to be, at the very least, thought-provoking, as New Yorkers of all political persuasions reflect on a painful national tragedy and seek to fathom the unfathomable motivations of the enigma responsible for it, Adam Lanza. Our hearts go out to the 20 young victims and the 6 brave faculty members who gave their lives defending them, as well as the families of the deceased.

Should politicians and public figures call for prayer in times of national grief?

Conservatives React to the Sandy Hook Shootings

Are violent video games to blame for what transpired in Newtown, Connecticut?

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